
Everything seems to be classified as an "ism" these days..each having a certain stigma attached to it..(be it Socialism/Capitalism, etc. etc..)and so one day I thought,"ya know, I dont particularly care for any of these "ism"s, I'll just create my own, based on what I feel encompasses the overall message of Rock music..coupled with my intrigue of history and fantasy...(Bottom --> Up)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

pt.III, 'The Amendments'

By the grace of knowledge we are granted the wisdom of centuries before us;

1. Thou shall regard all as thy brothers & sisters, as matter of fact.
2. Thou shall respect thy brothers & sisters, else expect equal reaction.
3. Thou shall aspire to conscience. Always question intent before action.
4. Thou shall act collectively on necessary issues which effect all of mankind, and every individual.
5. Thou shall share both wealth & wisdom with all, such is equality.
6. Thou shall NOT act against better conscience. Unacceptable is harm upon others, whether few or many.
7. Thou shall recognize both commonalities and differences among all, and act accordingly.
8. Thou shall be accountable, show dignity & responsibility in all aspects of life.
9. Thou shall have all of these dignities, keeping in mind, every despute can be solved with time & the mind.
10. Thou shall Rock On At All Times!!

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